
One of my cats have been pissing in the seat creases of my $5000 sectional and I cant get the pee odor out...

by  |  earlier

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I have tried all the enzymatic cleaners. But since it is in the back crease of the sectional, it stays wet after I spray the pet odor spray in there... Would it be a good idea to put a lot of baking soda in the pee creases??? Will it work? Any other suggestions???AAArrrrgghhhh!!!!!




  1. I would go to a specialty cleaning supply store and ask the sales clerk their opinion on what to use on your expense couch! Good luck.

  2. None of these solutions will work. The urine is in the stuffing, and is impossible to remove.  Time for a new sofa.

  3. Cut your losses.  Your alternative is to tear it down to the frame, restuff and cover it, or live with cat pee.  Get a new couch.  But figure out what the problem was, or the new couch will get wrecked. too.  (More $$$.)

  4. Hi..

       I would suggest that you go to PETCO and get a bottle of Natures Mircle. Clean the area as best as you can. Then with a clean rug pour the natures' mircle on the rug and rub it in the affective area.

       You will not smell it but the cat or cats will smell it. Repeat for a come of days with just the nature mircle.

      Also if you have mutilpe cats, this cat may just be marking his area. This could be from being scare to just being a cat.

    Good luck

  5. There's a method for removing the odor of pet pee from carpets here:

    I'm sure it will work for your sectional. It recommends using tea tree oil which has a nice scent and has natural antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

    Good luck.

  6. is your cat fixed?  

  7. All is not lost!  Go to Sam's and get some ODABAN!  It is in a gallon jug with a free spray bottle attached.  THIS STUFF WORKS.  You may have to spray several times and even leave a few bowls sitting around the room for a day or two but it WILL work.


  8. yeah i would try baking soda.

  9. You need to spray and saturate this area in 2 steps. The first step is to spray it down with straight white vinegar to eliminate the odor. After the vinegar dries, spray and saturate the same area with peroxide to kill and absorb all of the bacteria that is responsible for the odor coming back. Once the bacteria is killed and eliminated the smell will be gone forever providing that your cats don't keep pissing on the sofa any more. I have tried this formula on my mattress and it really does work. However my cats aren't allowed in my bedroom at all any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave the cushions off the sofa and use a fan blowing directly on the wet areas until they dry. Good Luck

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