
One of my closest friends is g*y and feels guilty?

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He's a very nice and good looking guy, but feels like he's inferior somehow. Why do we as Americans judge g*y people like we do. Love is love right???




  1. Youre absolutely right. No one in this world has the right to tell you who to love....tell youre friend that its ok, and he shouldnt feel inferior at all.  

  2. I'm 14 and yea i'm g*y as well. Whenever someone calls me a f*g I just say "Yup, f*g basically means i'm g*y and like it like that! Guess what I do!" this leaves them speachless and they leave you alone.

  3. love IS love. i hate when people say "god created adam and eve, not adam and steve" ERRR! i hate that. im not a lez but i feel if you love some one who has the same s*x organ, so what? i have family like this so ya. but if its a religious thing...i think god would rather you be happy then live a lie by marrying someone you dont truly love.

  4. I believe it is because we as americans don't like change.

    We like the idea of change but when it gets to the piont we turn our backs.

    I love g*y people i think that they are halarious and have great style *most of the time*


    America is Stubborn and Ignorant.

    Difference isn't accepted.

    But to be different in a world that doesn't tolerate it, I think that is so brave.

  5. tell ur friend that it doesn't matter what they feel because when you really love someone i mean really love!!!!it  only happens once. people dont have the right to judge

  6. I'm g*y myself...I think people as a whole have made it a lot more accepting than a couple years ago before the whole "g*y marraiage" media frenzy...its not uncommon now to find them out and open most places like the malls...or at work..dont get me wrong..theres still more work to do..but we're definetly making progress ;)

  7. Your acceptance of him as a friend will do wonders for his self esteem and how he views himself. When I decided to "come out" (years ago now), many of my friends turned their backs on me (and not in anticipation of something sexual, haha, just pure meanness and spite, and leaving me with warnings of "you will burn in h**l"), the one person that I counted on did NOT let me down: I still remember her words clearly - "But I've always known! I was wondering when you would come out and be open about it!"

    Proof positive that the people whom we can truly call "friends" are those with whom we don't even have to say a whit to - friends who have achieved such a high level of intimacy know instinctively what the other one is thinking. (Sort of like a "Friend Directed ESP")

    And I couldn't agree with you more: Love is love. Let your friend know that just as you love him as a friend, his affections for the same s*x (romantically/sexually) is just as valid and should not be considered any "less" than the straight variety.

    Kudos to you - may your tribe increase!

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