
One of my eyes gets fatigued from my eyeglasses?

by  |  earlier

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I was prescribed to use eyeglasses, and I always have had trouble adjusting to the lenses as they make me have headaches.... now I think I finally adjusted to them, but I have a problem: my right eye feels perfect but my left eye feels very fatigued when I use my glasses. I see perfectly fine, its just that. I feel like wanting to close my left eye a lot,, and after looking at the mirror it has the appeareance of being tired.

I don't know why this is. I also kind of get a headache.

Is the left eye prescription too weak or too strong?

and what should I do,, I don't want to be given a completely new prescription,, because I see perfectly fine with this one and I have adjusted to it,, its just that small problem.

What can I do? thanks.




  1. There are severall causes for this problem:

    1-The prescription is wrong - go back and tell your DOCTOR ( I meant, ophthalmologist).

    2-There are some measures that are taken when you order your glasses, maybe they are out of place = go back to the optical manager.

    3-Strabismus= when one eye has unsufficience of convergence, you need eyes exercises = ask your doctor.

    4-If the glasses are not well fit on your face (wrong angles) = ask the optical manager.

  2. Those are all symptoms of the prescription being a bit too strong in that left lens.

    If you have only had them a few weeks, you should go back to the Doctor and have them checked to see if they were made right first...then if what he prescribed was right.

    If the Doc finds he prescribed it too strong, they should replace that lens for you no charge.

  3. maybe you could talk to your mother and see if she can give you an eye appiontment! good luck!

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