
One of my friends from my old school seems to really change, and I think something is wrong. what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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He used to be very compassionate and innocent. now he has like no heart. It's like his whole personality has changed. We can talk about something really sad and he doesn't even care. What can I do to let him know that he can open up to me? I think something serious has happened. I tell him everything, but he never talks to me like he used to. And we live in different cities now, so all we do is Instant Message. But how can I let him know that he can tell me what's happened?




  1. well people can be wierd like that

    if somethin happened he may just not wanna talk bout it because he could be ashamed of it ur w/e

    the best thing to do is ask him wats wrong and if he says nuthin then just tell him wat u asked in the question and be like if somethin is wrong thenu can tell u and u wont judge him or anything and that u can try yur best to help him with w/e it is  

  2. I would try to get him to tell me what is wrong, and the word nothing usually means something is up. Too bad that you guys live in different cities so that you can't read facial expressions. But if you get a chance to visit, definitely take it! People sometimes are more open when they are actually with the person.  

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