
One of my friends just told me hes g*y and I'm ok with it but I think he wants me and I'm not g*y?

by  |  earlier

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Hes my friend and i care about him but i'm just not in to dudes. hes been staying at my house the last few nights and keeps calling me when hes not so i worried hes in to me and its starting to get acword being around him. any thoughts




  1. i think now that he knows that you know that hes g*y

    he feels like he has some one to talk to share his worries with

    and he knows that your a good friend to rely on

    it doesnt mean that hes into you

    hes probs got a lot on his mind and is stressed

    talk with him and help him

    good luck

    he is very lucky to have a good accepting friend like you

  2. awkward.

    maybe he's just clingy because he's newly out? wants some security?

    talk with him and explain he's making you uncomfortable. better now than later when he may misunderstand your silence about the awkward situation.

  3. I had the exact same situation. No, don't dump him, you should even get closer to him. He knows you're straight, he wouldn't wanna make out with you, not under any conditions. My best friend turned out to be g*y and i was so worried because he called or texed me everysingle day and he was like " i love you" but he loved me as a friend, not wanting to have sexual encounters with me. I unfortunately stopped talking to him for his actions but i was wrong. I missed him so much and apologized to him and we're still best friends after years, and i've slept with him like 100 times, (didn't have s*x with them, slept in the same room or camp) and we love eachother(in a totall hetrosexual way) no matter what. g*y people can be very friendly, don't break his heart. Continue your friendship.  

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