
One of my friends prank called me in the middle of the night with a restricted number what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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I woke up in the middle of the night to hear my phone ringing. I answered, "Hello?" Then they started making the strangest noises. It was a friend of mine I could tell by there voice. I couldn't tell which one though because it was a RESTRICTED number. I told my Father the next morning and he told me turn my phone off. But I hate having missed calls. What should I do?




  1. umm get over it geesh

  2. who cares?? just turn your fone on and dont answer it if its restricted, if its important they'll leave a message.

  3. i dont think that prank calls are that big of a deal... you should just laugh it off.  and as for turning your phone off, maybe you should put it on vibrate.  that way if your awake you will hear it and can answer but if your not it wont wake you up!

  4. You should beat them up for doing that it isn't funny! Real friends don't do that.

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