
One of my garden gnomes has a black eye, how can I keep them from coming to life and fighting each other?

by  |  earlier

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They look funny when they're all beat up....and I don't the neighbors to think that I'm the one abusing them.




  1. They are so naughty and pesky.  Put an eye patch on him and give him a sword.

  2. make the neighbors abuse them for a fine of 50¢

  3. you need to get them an anger management counsellor

  4. I have twin gnomes and the one with the shovel is always pushing over the one with the wheelbarrow.  Naughty gnomes, let them be they manage to sort it out amongst themselves.  I have 8 all together and they are usually no trouble, the one smoking the pipe is never a problem ;)

  5. Do you know nothing of gnomes? You can't have more than one in one garden?!?!?!

  6. Try Lithium

  7. r u ok?

  8. as much as i hate the waist of money. get a container of salt & pour a circle around each gnome if they are on the lawn move them to the drive way first so as not to ruin the lawn. if they are beat up after that "I guaranty it is some one else beating them up!

  9. Give them both black eyes so it seem like it's normal.

  10. as much as i hate to waist money it is simple but will ill the lawn it the proses if they are sitting on the grss when not alive.

    get a container of salt & pour a very light amount in a circle around each one of them. if they are still beat up then it is you in your sleep or the neighbors dong it!

  11. See, the problem is that your lawn gnomes have no one to keep an eye on them, and gnomes are not to be trusted.  The only one who can keep the gnomes under control is the sombrero frog.  You can have one frog for every two gnomes.  Any higher gnome to frog ratio and there will still be fights.  The sombrero frogs will whip your other lawn ornaments into shape.  Good luck!

  12. Well, I'm not normally one to waste money, but you can buy a large box of salt for about 79 cents, so go crazy and use the whole box! Take the salt and pour a circle around each gnome. If they are on the grass, move them to the drive way first so you don't kill the lawn. It won't keep the little b******s from beating each other up, but it will keep the garden slugs off them.

  13. ???????? What did you do bring them to life?

  14. lol..cute!  you have to surround them with sugar...that stops them.

    good luck! lol

  15. Get a garden dragon to watch them.  That should keep things very quiet.

  16. I see a few options.

    First you can put some little boxing gloves on their hands.  Some really soft ones.  They little b******s can swing away and not cause any real damage then.  

    Second, hide in your bushes and wait for them to come to life.  When they do, kick the c**p out of all of them and tell them that the next time you catch them fighting the beating will be even worse.

    Third, buy a tiny little Gandhi statue and put that in your lawn.  He can teach them how to live peacefully together.  

    And finally, they look funny normally, not just when they are beat up.  (And I secretly think you are the one abusing them)

  17. dude are u seriuos???

    they arnet real they are matireal man made objects..... dudue ur crazy.......

  18. put them in cages at night...

  19. they're supposed to look funny in general.

    If you live in the magical world that J.K Rowling created with Harry Potter, they're obnoxious potato looking creatures.

  20. ohh no.

    maybe u should talk to them?

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