
One of my goals this summer is to learn how to swim. How do you do it? and how long will it take 4 me to learn

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One of my goals this summer is to learn how to swim. How do you do it? and how long will it take 4 me to learn




  1. It depends if you are familiar with water...if you cant swim at all, then it probably would take you around 4 weeks to learn...if you do it everyday...

  2. how old are you, and are you taking lessons.  For me it came naturally, but I learned early.  Just don't get frustrated!!

  3. Everyone is different and learns at a different pace.  There is no set time for 'learning to swim'.  It depends partly on what your goals are.  If learning to swim means being able to do an effective and efficient front crawl stroke it may take several months of 3 or 4 times a week sessions.  However, if 'learning to swim' means getting comfortable and reasonably safe in the water, with a less refined stroke, then it could happen in just a week or two.

    Other factors would include how comfortable you are in the water to start, and how experienced your instructor is.  If you are trying to teach yourself, that is certainly possible but expect it take take lots longer than if you are working with a qualified/certified instructor.  There are plenty of books and videos on the market to help you teach yourself.

    Your best bet is to join a class.  There are often classes geared towards adults and teens offered by City Parks and Recreation agencies, by YMCAs and by Private Swim Clubs.  A good resource is to phone your local American Red Cross chapter and talk to the Water Safety Director.

    Good luck, hope you follow through and do it.  Swimming is a great activity in and of itself, and is a gateway skill to lots of other wonderful recreational opportunities, from water-skiing to scuba diving to whitewater kayaking and more!

  4. With 8 weeks of instruction .. I was able to pass a test where I had to swim 1 mile ,,, I was twelve yrs. old and I learned at the local YMCA.

  5. Well you should go to your local YMCA or look for a program around town. I remember when i learned,(I was 6) my mom took me to YMCA and there were mostly 6 year olds but there were two 13 year olds. It takes about 2-3 months but it all depends if your a quick learner or not.

  6. i learned when i was 8 it took me a summer, i've also tried it before that when i was 6, it didn't work out to well considering, i was terrified of drowning! but i dont think it should take you long.

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