
One of my members who posts to my group, well her messages have nothing in them that's wrong, yet they still s

by  |  earlier

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yet they still show up in my spam folder saying that I need to approve them before they will go through. Why is this, there is nothing bad in the post.




  1. the spam filter was faulty to begin with, and has gotten worse for some groups ever since they started attempting to improve it. you're not the only one going through this. owners have the option of turning it off, and thats what I'd do until Yahoo fine tunes their spam filter.

    How do i turn spam filtering off?

    good luck

  2. Even though Yahoo has been working on improving the spam filter option, it seems to be still filtering out legitimate messages. Hopefully they will get it working better as time goes by.

    The group owner or a moderator with the assigned privilege can turn off the spam filter.

    Go to Management>Group Settings>Messages>Posting and Archives (click Edit). In the Spam Filtering column, select "Off". Click on Save


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