
One of my parents might be smoking weed what should I do?

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Well I went out into the garage a day or two ago looking for the clip to my air-soft gun. And I reached on top of the shelf thinking it was there. when all I came to find was a lighter and a half smoked joint. I think it was my dad but I don't know what to do about it? Should I say something to him? Or should I just keep quiet and home that it's a thing of the past... I really don't know I used to smoke weed but I never thought one of parents would STILL be doing it. I'm 14. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




  1. wow this sounds so much like one of my friends. Her dad smokes, and she hates it and it is destroying her family. I would say something before something bad happens ... i mean what if he is doing something worse and drives home one day totally stoned and kills himself or someone else. U really dont want that on your mind at 14. Im in high school and i know alot of kids of smoke weed and its sooo not cool! and for a parent to do that its crazy ... but i know someone who is going through the same thing .... anyway i would talk to him but do it kindly like dont accuse him of it just be casual. if u need anything else email me! hope i could help   sorry for the spelling  i was typing fast. lol

  2. I guess you can just wait and try to catch him in the act. Only confront him if you catch him red handed, ok?

  3. you might want to talk to maybe your mom or another family member maybe they could help you? sorry i didnt help you much.

  4. ask to toke up witem

  5. I've had a similar experience. I found a jar containing a pipe, some hash, screens, papers, etc. and I knew for sure that it was my dad's.

    This happened when I was about 14, and it scared me big time, but I never confronted him. This is why: I know my dad is responsible and has always been there for me. There have never been any real problems and if anyone would get to know him it would be impossible to tell that he smokes it. So frankly, by all of this it's clear that he's using it in moderation and there's really no reason to intervene. I'm way too afraid that things will get awkward and I'll have to walk on eggshells just to have a conversation with him.

  6. Smoking weed is not harmful to his health. Less harmful than drinking alcohol. If I were you I would just keep quiet about it. If that is his way of dealing with everyday stress, then so be it. He is not doing it in front of you, so one could not say he is being a bad rolemodel. Lots of parents have a little dubie every now and again. If he lectures you about not smoking weed, at least you know he is talking out of experience. Shut up about it if that happens as well. All things considered it could be a conversation piece 10 years from now during the Xmas holidays when you go to visit them. Then you can say: "Dad/Mom... Do you still smoke weed?"

    And do not, I repeat do not under any circumstances tell anyone outside of the household that you found marihuana in your house. Busybodies might be liable to call law enforcement that will put your poor parent through atrocities ten million times worse than the marihuana will.

    There are thousands of people locked up in prison today because of illogical and unfair laws regarding soft drugs.

  7. it's probably yours

  8. I would not confront anyone. It's not hurting anyone. I know plenty of people who have parents that smoke weed, and it's never hurt them. As long as it's not causing your family to fall apart, I don't foresee any reason to start something with him.

  9. its not a bad thing! its a shame that in today's society young people are taught to believe marijuana is as bad as drugs such as heroine and amphetamines. marijuana isn't addictive, has medical values, and you cannot overdose on it! It's easy to be afraid of it when you're taught that it's the devil, but you'll see that many states have decriminalized it and even made it into medicine. The truth is that marijuana isn't bad, and smoking pot is nothing compared to what drinking heavily does to you. I hope this eases your fears.

  10. I would have a very personal talk with your father. I wouldn't ignore it because you should be able to have open conversations with him. However, don't judge your dad, or your mom because they could just be doing it just to keep the edge off if they're stressed. But definitely muster up the courage to talk to one of them!

  11. I'm sorry one or both of your parents are still acting like irresponsible knucklehead teenagers. But since you have no way of knowing for sure which one it was, it's probably best not to say anything.

  12. Mind your own business....pretend you didn't see it.

  13. you say you use to smoke weed.... well that stuff impares your mind. Maybe you put it there and forgot about it... Huh???

  14. I would deffinatly ask him, cuz thats not good! i pray the best for you  

  15. Nothing -- he's old enough to take care of himself.

  16. Almost everyone at one point or another have smoked pot or other drugs... Just like you had the opportunity to so did they.  Just because they are your parents doesn't mean they were never young like you.  If it makes you feel better to confront them go ahead just remember they are old enough to make their own decisions,  you however are not.  Yes it is a bit hypocritical to expect you not to do something they are doing but they also have life experience and can handle themselves better than you are able to with you being so young and all.

  17. well first do you have to actually  have  2 c ur dad smoking weed  but if  you see him smoking weed say "dad can u please stop smoking weed? its not just effecting u its effecting everyone around you."

  18. You should smoke with him!

  19. Just say you found it in the garage and see how your parents react.

  20. take the lighter and the joint and ask your parents if your not brave enough just set it on the table with a note saying that I found this in the garage and Its not mine. Who's is it? Or you can just ignore it.

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