
One of my personal trainers, is 37 weeks pregnant, and the babby is starting to drop???

by  |  earlier

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she said she wants to keep training me until the baby is born how long do u think we have left because i have to set up another trainer, i have one in line but no dates set so how long do u think she will be before the baby is born??




  1. the normal time to care a baby is 40 weeks so about 3 weeks left

  2. That babby is coming soon.  As long as she doesn't do much of the working out WITH you, then she could do it until she actually HAS the babby.

  3. well im 32 weeks tomorrow and my baby as just dropped in the last few days and is head down but not egaged, so it could happen soon or maybe not for another 4-5 weeks, just because the baby as dropped doent mean it will come any sooner , although i would personally like that ,lol,xx

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