
One of my resolution this year is to find prince charming. any tips?

by Guest60976  |  earlier

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One of my resolution this year is to find prince charming. any tips?




  1. Hey girl, join the club! I think more than two of us made that resolution this year!  Just be yourself. He won't be Prince Charming if he falls for you and then finds out you were faking something. So if he loves a team that you absolutely hate, make sure you let him know. Haha. Good luck! Happy new year too.

  2. When you see a guy you like flash him and he's your's!

  3. If you are not a blue~blood, remember Doty Fiyed(sp?) of princess Diana fame? She was pregnant with their baby and the fetus was not a blue~blood. The Crown and Vatican was very upset.

  4. Why don't you attempt to meet William or Harry.  They are both handsome and eligible, most likely charming; I can't vouch for your chances of landing one or the other, nor for the odds of their fidelity to you. Good luck, nonetheless!

  5. im with you in this quest.

    we could try the damsel in distress concept. we might be rescued my a knight in shining armor.


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