
One of my tiger barbs has been pregnant for 2 weeks when will she lay her eggs?

by  |  earlier

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i need to know so i can make a spawning mop if she doesnt eat all the eggs




  1. I had a very similar problem and throughout all my research this was the easiest way to get them to spawn after all the other signs took place (Bright orange on the male's "snout" the males stripes should also kinda take on a greenish color) seperate the female from the males for a few days. feed theme a high protein diet for this period brine shrimp or tubifex worms should do. then introduce them into a spawning tank and they should begin a "dance" and the spawn should happen the next morning keep the lights off once you introduce them back to each other. If you think my answer was long winded you should see the link i posted below where i learned it. It's very informative but hard to understand at times. good luck..

  2. are you sure shes prego ?!?

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