
One of my twin 16 year old sons has a girlfriend?

by  |  earlier

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This is his first serious girlfriend. Last night she and her dad were over for supper and to watch the RNC with our family, when they were leaving I saw my son kiss her goodbye, first time I had seen him kiss a girl....I almost cried, my husband laughed at me.I have an older son and I dont remember it being this difficult to let go....moms and dads, was it hard to let your little boy growup




  1. Tell 007 that I want to be there to see him when one or both of the Girls get in a car with a boy and drive off. He won't think that is funny at all.. The eldest by 15 mos did not bother me so much but, ( I may have told you this already) It was a big formal function and 3 other girls were at our house. Their parents came to take pics and etc. As the Kids were leaving , one of the other parents said that the kids were going to the club to eat before the party and we could go and watch them there. As I walked past my wife, I told her not to agree to going to the club. I had just seen my Baby daughter come out of the house looking like a WOMAN and leaving with a boy and I had absolutely no interest is seeing any more of it.

  2. hahah aw

    thats cute, i'm not old but its probably because they are your babys

    and those 16 years just went by so very fast

  3. im not an adult, but make sure not to embarass him! Make sure to be cool about it even though its hard to let go!

  4. Must be the last of the ones that are living at home.Moms are usually closer to their children and the feelings you have are normal ,as you have a close relationship with your boys and knowing that one day soon they will be next.Your a good mom who will miss the joys of them being little again

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