
One of my xbox 360 gamer friends has 135,000 legit gamer points. Impressive...or just sad?

by  |  earlier

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And I thought I had a respectable score with 21,000. Sigh.




  1. Well ur friend(if thats wat u call people one xbox???)


    and ur score isa fair sad score to u must own at least 20 games to get that and im goin by if u complete them all

    i think its time to make real friends bud

  2. That is a big number, but it is neither impressive nor sad.

    I know there are some people who detest achievements, but personally I think they've added a lot of value to the games we buy. They can extend the life of old games, and make us try out and fully explore games that we may not have done previously.

    At the end of the day, its just a silly number with no meaning, and no purpose. But so long as your friend had fun playing all the games to reach than number, and felt like they weren't wasting their time, then they have not been sad over it at all, either.

    And 21,000 is a respectable score! I've got around 68,000 myself.  

  3. to be honest one of my closest freinds from school has a simmilar gamerscore and evryone takes the mickey out of him but the thing is that its his life and he can choose to do wat he wants so ur freind is not sad yes u may have more of a social life but he might just have nothing to do

  4. If the person is over 21, has no friends, girlfriend/boyfriend, home, or dependable income then it's sad. If he's older than 21 has friends, a job, and has plans for the future (not necessarily a girlfriend/boyfriend) then it is absolutely impressive. Managing all those things while being able to amass a gamerscore that is pretty awesome. But if he's a complete geek then it is pathetic

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