
One of our Heroic Bush supporters is in trouble for fighting againt the lib moverment, will you support him?

by  |  earlier

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He is one of our guys, guys. He is a Bush voter, an unemployed white male with two DUIs, who blames "libs" for all of his personal problems while defending our President Bush against the liberal movement! Now he is in deep, deep trouble for murdering some church goers. How will you help defend and support him?;_ylt=Aq8Vv0sWlL295lvN7PHw8aas0NUE




  1. No problem, the State will feed, clothe, and shelter him at NO cost for a while, probably for the rest of his life.  So I guess you could call him a liberal now, now that he will be living off the governments teat.

  2. This was an attack by an INDIVIDUAL against a house of worship. I support trying the man and if he is found guilty holding him responsible for the crime. Conservatives believe in the idea of personal responsiblity. We don't try and blame a specific group for strictly political reasons.

    No conservative will set up a defense fund for this man, and as a person who listens to each of the people you menction I have never heard any of them encourage people to go into a church and kill people.

  3. If the roles were reversed I doubt you'd be so outspoken.

    I do believe I detect a BIT of sarcasm in your question.  Trolling a bit today, I see.

  4. You are a racist and you took everything out of context..

    Now I see how you libs can remember what to say. Just repeat the same thing over and over.

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