
One of the Biggest Decisions of My Life - What do I do?

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Heres the Situation - Becoming a teacher would take 2 years in a diploma program (I'm halfway done), then I'd have to have pretty high (high 80's) to get into a University program. Id have to spent 2-3 years in university with very high grades (depending on transfer credits from college), and 500 or more volunteer hours to be considered for teachers college. It usually takes about 2 times to get into teachers college. After teachers college, most end up on the substitute list for 3-4 years or end up working in daycares. I would love this job but the path to get there seems overwhelming and very expensive, not to mention could fall apart at any of the points. It has been a huge struggle just to get where I am now, and it seems like obstacles are constantly popping up and its exhausting and it has worn me down. The prospect of the path it takes to become a teacher is very overwhelming due to this. However, this is my ideal job and has great pay (approx $26 an hour according to

Another option, however, is Early Childhood Education. I've worked in daycares and loved it, and the diploma program is only 2 years, which I can handle. The problem with this is the salary, which is only $13.00 average for the entire career. I feel I would lead a very poor life on this salary, even with my fiances combined salary. (In his career he can make anywhere from 35000 -75000, but I dont want to assume the high end).

I am extremely torn, and feeling very worn down by this decision that I have been trying to make for a year and a half now. What are your opinions? What would you do?




  1. Too long of a question,no time to read all that,gotta go answer some more people.

  2. So you follow your dreams and worst case scenario is you end up working in a daycare or you give up on your dreams now and best case scenario is you end up working in a daycare. I say follow your dreams. Go for being a teacher.  

  3. be a teacher.

  4. Don't settle for second best.

    Work hard, struggle and be rewarded in a career you really want.

    Dont regret not chasing your real dream.

    Learn, strive and go forward to the  teaching job.

    The debt is worth it and immaterial in the end. Image how proud of yourself you will be when you become what you want to be.

    When you are feeling tired and overwhelmed, just take a breather, and refresh yourself on your dream and how worth it  things will be!

    Dont give up!

  5. Well, teachers get paid c**p but they do get summers and lots of holidays off.  I say go with you dream job it will be worth it in the end.  However if you could be happy with tthe early childhood then do that and work in the summers to make up for the pay.  Good luck.

  6. The biggest decision of your life is should i live or should i die. You are obviously living and posting about your difficult decisions and this makes it the most unimportant decision of anyone's life to answer it.

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