
One of the major banks talking about banning piggy banks ?

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As not to offend muslims,should we go the whole HOG and just ban pigs in general ?.




  1. Is this true or a s**t stirring lie.

  2. Another case of political correctness gone mad again.

  3. Must be embarassing in robbing the piggy banks.

    Then give little children chicken feeds.

    In short-changing the little one in town.

    Even the little piggy bank they want to rob too.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  4. Another Muslim hater. Jews don't like pigs either,  so maybe its not such a bad idea. I bet you are an "American"

  5. This rumour was first started by the Daily Mail or Express and has been denied. Piggybanks and piggybank images are used in two banks who said the first time they heard of it was from those papers, it is a lie.

  6. The National Westminster Bank have pigs in their bank; in the shape of money boxes, that is why they are called `piggy-banks`. It would not surprise me, if banks did refuse to accept money boxes , as they contain mixed coins all of which have to be hand counted and bagged; and this all takes time. My bank charges a fee if you deposit cash into your account, as opposed to cheques. Such are the times ! Once -upon-a-time banks actually wanted you to hand them your cash!

  7. It's a lie, drempt up by the tabloids.

    personally i've never seen a piggy bank in a bank, so i dont know what they would ban? havnt even seen them sold in the shops.

  8. It's a bit silly.

  9. Current Event????

  10. I don't understand why a bank would care if someone had a piggy bank.  What would make them think they had the power to ban them.  Could you provide reference where this story came from.

  11. Are you sure that someone is not telling ....... 'porkies'?

    Well it could be true, 'they' got rid of golliwogs!

  12. we have a "piggy bank" in our bank// this is so ridiculous, and im sure most muslims are not offended by this//

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