
One of the members of our yahoogroup does not get the email when she sends to the yahoogroup, why?

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One of the members of our yahoogroup does not get the email when she sends to the yahoogroup, why?




  1. She may be using a mailing program such as Outlook, where she has more than one names (e-mail account) in use.  If she is using a name  that is not a member of your group to send e-mails to your group, then those messages will bounce.  If you are a moderator to that YG!, you can test this.  In order to do this you need to go to the "Management" of your group, and select "Message Posts".  If the group has received a message from an address that is not a member to the group, this message will have bounced, and you will see "Bounced message: Not a member" warning.

    Good luck, I hope you can help her out.

  2. That person most likely has email notifications turned off, they will have to turn them back on through their group settings to recive emails again

  3. if she's only not getting her own mail back which was sent to the group, then they're using Gmail or such provider which for whatever reason, default figures they don't want an additional copy. there's some setting in those providers which do that to change.

    it has nothing to do with Yahoo, it's their own mail provider setting

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