
One of the things you need to do to stay alive is eat but if you could what would you replace it with?

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One of the things you need to do to stay alive is eat but if you could what would you replace it with?




  1. You could replace it with an IV I guess. The ones that are full of protien and vitamins.I believe they give them to patients that are in commas.

    What you are really asking though is what woud you give your life for.

  2. I would work more so I could make more money so I could eat more so I could work more so I could make more money so I could eat more so I could work more so I could make more money so I could eat more so I could work more ...........

  3. Photosynthesis, I would love to get it directly from the sun.

  4. Drink!

  5. music  

  6. i could live on hope, joy, or happiness

    either one of those are fine..

    but jeez some people would be in trouble

    wouldnt they?

  7. I really would not want to replace it, if I replaced it with something I enjoy or cherish, I would not be able to truly enjoy or cherish it, because it would no longer be something I chose but something I need.  I enjoy listening to music, but if it became a requirement I believe that my enjoyment of music would drop, I enjoy it because it is my choice not a must.

  8. Smiles, can't say  

  9. Be with my love forever!

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