
One origional area for human evolution?

by  |  earlier

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Basically all races have a great flood, and a lost civilization that they came from. Even more errie yet, most of these ancient civilizations are great with math and astronomy, and they have a calandar that also ends in 2012.

My question is,

do you think it seems so radical that there was a human population on some remote island and due to some disaster they fled to diffrent parts of the earth.. or maybe something similiar.. whats your thoughts?




  1. I was taught (but did not believe) that humans first lived in the ocean as simple pathetic little lifeforms. Over time they developed a head, arms legs, organs, etc. Eventually they had lungs and actually stayed on land. then they developed into homo-(unknown common anscestor). then time passed and finally after millions of years we were here...

  2. Flood myths are common where ever people live next to water (the river or sea). Such events are remembered through generations. Our ancestors preferred to live next to fresh water as it was vital for their survival. Our current civilisation is based on the backs of older civilisations and so forth. I am aware only of one calendar that ends in 2012, and my reasoning for the ending of the calendar is that the civilisation who came up with it is not here anymore to write down the next "age" on that calendar.

    Imagine human evolution as a tree. You and me and anybody alive in the world are represented by leaves at the ends of one branch. That branch connects further into the tree with another branch where the leaves represent the ape species, further down we join with the branches of other mammals and so forth. Every time a branch splits there has been a split in the population where one part of the same people/animal is subjected to a different enivronment and life style as the other, so they are forced to adapt to it. Such splits would be caused by part of the population migrating to another area, usually because they cannot survive where they lived previously. It is happening today as well, people from poor parts or war torn or otherwise ecologically invalid areas migrate to better parts of the world. The exception today is that all areas that can be inhabitet by people are already inhabitet and overcrouded so we try to stem the tide by building walls and prisons. This is a fools errant that in the long run doesn't have a chance of working.  

    What you suggest has happened countless times and in countless places. Islands got involved as soon as humans where capable of building boats and ships.

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