Okay. I am only 12 years old. Dont spaz cause im on yahoo, i just want a couple serious answers.
First, The ghost thing.
Okay. so 2 years ago, my dad died. About 5 minutes ago, i was reading answers in the paranormal section, and my dog was just standing in front of the door, wagging his tail, looking into the hall of the apartment building through a crack in the door. My mom went in the hall, and called for my dog to come. He just wouldnt come into the hall. He was still wagging his tail, but he would not go out of the apartment. I dont know if this is linked with my dad, i dont really know, but can someone just try and give an explanation?
Okay. Now the psychic thing.
I believe all humans have a part of their mind they have not gained control of yet. I, however can notice this sence in myself. I can see stuff in my sleep, just short little maybe 5 second flashes of time, and a week later, usually it happens. I get a sence that i have been in the situation just a while earlier.