
One question for 3 groups of people?

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Is God a 100% yes? Is god a maybe? or Are you Athiests? Now here is my question: What is the point of living? Please tell me which group you are in.

I am in no way wanting to end my life or even thinking about suciude so please don't treat your answer as if I am. I just want to know in relaionship to how you feel about God or god what is the point of living?




  1. I don't know about others,but my point of living is I got S**t to do.Can't do it dead...atheist

  2. God is 100% and the point in living is many things.  First to serve Jesus and also to enjoy all that life has to offer.  It's to love and be loved in return.  And also it's to find your calling and be the best at it that you can be.  

  3. god is 100% and we r here to fllow the path that our god has shown to us

  4. You left out the more interesting group, the pagans.

    Do i believe there to be Gods? Yes.  What is the point of living?  To experience everything there is to experience, the good and the bad, to enjoy the good and use the bad to strengthen us.

    The meaning of life is that you are ALIVE, and should enjoy being alive.  Look at a clam.  A clam is an animal.  But it has no eyes, no ears, no tongue, it does not see hear taste smell.  All it knows, is that it eats, and squirts sperm and eggs.  Its a living creature, it lives, it has life, but is it really ALIVE?  Is it really LIVING.  Would you concider such an existence life?  Its the equivalent of being paralyzed, deaf and blind, and having to communicate with blinking, hooked up to machines that keep you alive.

    Why should we deny ourselves any pleasure, any sensation, any emotion?  We are going to have to deal with the bad things that happens no matter what, loosing friends, getting stabbed in the back, loosing your job, family dying.  These are constants and there is no going around it.  So why deny yourself anything?  Live a good, full and honorable life, not a silly selfish and self-deprivation life.

  5. I'm an atheist.  

    The only purpose to your life is that purpose you create for it.

    I have many reasons for wanting to live, much too many to list here.  All of my experiences in life, good and bad, have added to my life and I appreciate it.  I try to live this one life I have to its fullest.

    Religion is superstition.  I really have no reason or need to dwell on god fantasies, except to try to get others to realize them for what they are.  I think that society won't progress much farther if we don't get past our current superstitions.

  6. Atheist: The point of living is to love, have fun, learn new things and have tons of experiences. For me, it is also being a good gf and mother.

  7. I believe in God 100%. HE is the reason I am here and HE is the reason that life is worth living.

    Atheists will live it for the next thrill or for their next night of drinking. I will take the way of the Lord any day of the week.

  8. 100 atheist, unless i see a cute guy who is going to a church.

  9. I am Atheist, and life is what you make it.

  10. God is 100% and we are here to serve and love the lord.

  11. I think God is very unlikely, and I don't believe one exists.  

    I don't think there's a point to life in general.  I think each individual makes their own purpose for their own life.

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