
One question help please?

by  |  earlier

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Okay right now I'm 14 and I'm gonna be a safety, so I lift so I can be strong when the season comes. Yesterday my dad said that I better stop lifting or I'll stay short. I'm 5'5 and I don't wanna stay this big! Should I stop lifting or continue? Please help!

Thank you for your time.




  1. id keep lifting, just keep away from heavy lifting such as squating and deadlifting alot of weight

  2. Weight lifting does not stunt your growth, your father has been victim to an old wives tale.

    Other common untrue tales:

    1. Knuckle cracking does not give you arthritis

    2. Drinking coffee and smoking does not stunt your growth(they still offer health risks, but height is not effected by them)

    3. Your hands / feet are not an indication of how tall you will grow

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