
One result doesnt make a world cup winning side.....?

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and the fact eng are in the semies shows the flawed nature of the cup. Nonetheless I hope ye beat the french




  1. Get over yourself poms. You are so arrogant!!!! I love rugby but don't give a sh@t who wins this one. Both teams are useless. They can only beat the ABs and Aussies at these flawed IRB run competitions (check the stats). Go Argentina or South Africa just a pity and questionable the way two northern hemisphere teams and two southern hemisphere teams are playing each other in the semis. If I had to choose it would be France because of the both teams they play the more exiting rugby.

  2. Yes its all very nice but the All Blacks are going home the way they have for the last 20 years.  Without the Rugby World Cup.  What happened.

  3. If the result comes in the final it makes a world cup winning side. But yes I agree. Last Saturday will all be for nothing if it isnt followed up this weekend.


    PMSL at Trish. Those sour grapes are still being chomped on. Thats how you win games you muppet. You play to your strengths and stop your opponent playing to theirs. How anyone can call the English arrogant while Australians and Kiwis get away with it is beyond me. These nations epitomise arrogance, and lack of ability to lose well.

    If your guys were better then they would still be in the tournament. Get over it

  4. On the day that mattered, the best team won, England defended well and put the Aussies under pressure, they  did not like this so became undisciplined and gave away penalties to Johnny the boot!

  5. But England are already World Champions.

  6. Oh dear another gripe from one of the two 'best' sporting nations....

    When it counts England can still win.

  7. The "flawed nature of the cup"? erm, how so? The Aussie forwards got chewed up and blown out in bubbles, mate. Once the England front five got into them and the ref started to see a bit of sense, the Aussie pack turned up their toes and rolled over. Biggest demolition job since the twin towers. Only the fact that Jonny had a bad day ay the office prevented the winning margin from being much bigger. The French did a similar job on NZ. The guys from Oz and NZ seeem to want their reputation do the work for them.

    Thanks for your support though.

  8. Did anyone say that it did?

  9. It does if it's a win in the final!

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