
One robo hamster died can i put another robo hamster in the same cage with my other one?

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Last week one of my robo dwarf hamsters died and when i was researching robo hamsters on the internet and it said that they do not like to live alone. Can i buy another robo hamster at the pet store and put it in the same cage as my other hamster or will they fight. If you have any advice please please comment!!!!!




  1. no no no dont even think about it

  2. no.they may eat it and that very very very very very very bad.eating it causes disease

  3. How would one hamster fight with a dead hamster?

  4. well, make sure if you buy a new one, already have something it can stay in for about a week. have them meet somewhere neither of them have been. make sure neither of them have been there before. if you put them somewhere one of them have been, the one might think of it as they're "home" and will fight the other one to kep it out. but if you put them both in a place neither of them have been, for about 15-20 minutes with a toy or two, seperate them for a fewhours, put hemback in the same spot, seperate them for a few hours [put them back wherever they live] put them back in te same sot to meet again. do that about 3 times a day, a few hours apart. they'll get use to eachother. make sure when they're together you keep a very close eye on them. rough housing is okay, as long as neither squeak or seem to be getting hurt. but if one sqeaks whille rough housing, take them away for a few hours or a day. if one if sqeaking while theother one i jus sniffing them or something, and doesn't seem to be getting harmed, take the away for a few hours, do it again. just means the one was cranky. and I'd say after about 5 days of getting alongg, COMPLETLY clean the cage your going to use, NO soap, just water and a rag. clean they're food and water dish, even if the waters a bottle. and them put in fresh food and water, and fresh  bedding, then put the both in the cage at the same time. watch them for a few minutes, then be in the same room where you can kinda watch them and hear them for 1-3 hours. then over the next few days just watch them sometimes, and if nothing goes wrong then nothing probably will.

  5. yeas, you could probably do that except you should wash the cage really well before putting both of the hamsters in it other wise the hamsters might get sick because of the germs left behind when the other hamster passed away.

  6. Dwarf hamsters do not get along in the same cage unless they are from the same litter or have been introduced to each other when both are young and of the same age.

    Introducing a new hamster to a old one is very difficult, even with robos or any dwarf hamsters for that matter.It is very difficult to predict if your current robo will accept a new robo into her life. Even dwarf hamsters of very sweet character are known to turn violent to new hamsters in their cages.

    My advice to you would be leave your robo as she is. She might be dull for a week without her friend but hamsters have short memory and soon they would adapt to living alone (since that is what they do in the wild). To pep her up, play and interact with her more so that she is active and happy.

  7. Maybe, maybe not.

    I'm serious. They'll either love eachother, or kill eachother. It is hard to introduce another hamster to one if they weren't in the same cage since me.

  8. get them to no each others scent slowly, or they could kill each other. get a book on it at the libray

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