
One step forward and two steps back. Does it ever get any better?

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It seems that I've been taking one step forward and two steps back for quite some time now with my career, finances, and friendships. I've kept my head up through it all with a few bouts of "whoa is me," but now I'm starting to think there's no end. It affects everything -- big and little.

Has anyone else gone through this and come out okay in the end?




  1. "woe is me"

  2. well, for every "slump" you go through, remember that there WILL be another good day.

    Keep the positive attitude, hun, you'll need it.

  3. first and foremost, there's no good reason for you to feel alone through this. my first suggestion is to seek support from your friends. Theres a great chance they aren't aware of your struggling. You might even be surprised that others are going through struggling. Many people can paint on a happy mask when inside they are hurting or going through things. Support is one major key to getting outside of this. Secondly, I think you should become a better "looker". If you actually LOOK at your steps starting at the beginning where you seem to feel this all began to slope downward, take a good look as to WHY you went backwards. There could be many reasons big or small that might make you feel like you are failing in some way but just try to let it go. don't dwell on these steps, move forward. do something good for someone else, make a change in your life, get organized. big ideas that make big improvements on your life. I hope this can help you. everyone goes through these phases. your only stuck in this if you let yourself rest here. good luck :)

  4. nope its impossible to go forward but you can go backwards

  5. yep.. try to pray.. :)

  6. Everyone feels like that now and again.  Just stop thinking about life and start living it and everything will turn out fine, i'm sure.

  7. I have felt this way so many times. Lifes really crooked these days and sometimes you can just try your best and recognize thats more then enough. Our past is very useful for learning from our mistakes so we don't repeat them. But we are human and so we error. Don't look back all the time or at whats happening TO you try to deal with not what's coming AT you but HOW you make the best of it. Sometimes there is nothing we can do and we will never understand, but to me life is about all kinds of huge challenges. Sometimes we easily get so hung on how want to control or change something that we dont see the challenge is to just learn how we can best adapt to it.You don't have to prove anything to anybody, as long as you know you've tried your best.

  8. I know exactly what you mean. You have to try and keep a positive attitude and yes things will get better. Hope this Helps.

  9. I have had as much as a year like that a few different times-Just keep setting and working towards your goals! When you feel it can't get any worse-it just might get better-or not-just keep the faith that you are on the right track and keep going! A positive attitude really helps!

  10. nope

  11. never experienced that. but hope thing work out for you (:

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