
One theory about the origin of the solar system; the solar system was formed

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from a near collision between the sun and a much larger star. This theory is known as

tidal hypothesis.


tidal range.

which one?




  1. No idea, but the answer must be in your course materials. However, I am sorry that you were ever asked this question.

    This idea has been defunct for decades.  We now have excellent evidence for the formation of the planets from a dusty disk as the primitive solar nebula collapsed under its own weight.

  2. contrary to the first answer, the origins of the Solar System is still full of unanswered questions, one of which that is pertinent is the mechanism for the formation of the first gas giant.  Perhaps the 'near collision' hypothesis has some merit.  Hard to say.

    Better computers will help answer some of these questions, just wait it out.

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