
One theory that explains the formation of the solar system is the _______.?

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a:solar theory

b:nebular theory

c:law of gravity




  1. i believe it's b as in boy.

  2. gravity.

  3. C:law of gravity everything in the universe uses gravity to hold things together and not far apart.

  4. solar theory

  5. It's the nebular theory (B).

  6. Different models have been proposed throughout time to explain the formation of the Solar System. The most widely accepted model today is a nebular model (b in your classification). In this model, a cloud of interstellar gas and dust contracted to form the Sun and planets.

    This model most closely agrees with observations made of the Solar Systems. First, this accounts for the planets forming in the same plane. Second, the Solar System is isolated: the distance of the closest star is higher about 5x10^4 times than the dimension of the planetary zone.

    The nebular model says that the Sun and planets formed from a flattened cloud of interstellar material. These clouds spin, causing them to flatten along their rotational axis. Gravity also causes the cloud to collapse. During this process, the center contracts into a ball of hot gas and dust. This will become the Sun (in this stage it is called a protosun).

    The next process is accretion, which results in planet formation. First, the gases outside of the Sun condense into solid materials. These particles collide forming larger particles called planetesimal, which in turn collide and form protoplanets. These protoplanets then become planets.

  7. b. the nebular theory

  8. B: Nebular theory  (link provided)

  9. D: none of the above

    It was the Flying Spaghetti Monster in all his noodly goodness!

    Seriously, it's B

  10. The various planets are thought to have formed from the solar nebula, the disc-shaped cloud of gas and dust left over from the Sun's formation.[23] The currently accepted method by which the planets formed is known as the nebular theory, in which the planets began as dust grains in orbit around the central protostar. Through direct contact, these grains formed into clumps between one and ten kilometres (km) in diameter, which in turn collided to form larger bodies (planetesimals) of ~5 km in size. These gradually increased through further collisions, growing at the rate of centimetres per year over the course of the next few million years.[24]

    So the answer is B, the Nebular theory

  11. Big Bang

  12. Law of Gravity. It is gravity that clumped the planets together. And its the Sun's gravity that makes planets rotate around it. Never heard of Nebula theory.

  13. nebular theory

  14. C

  15. b

  16. i dont remember

  17. law of gravity.  Gravity is the one thing that effects everything in the universe.

  18. b. nebula theory

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