
One thing a christian should not say to an atheist?

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"If you do not believe, you will burn alive in h**l fire torture forever. Only believers will receive eternal life."

How stupid is this? Being alive in h**l for all eternity IS eternal life. Why do "some" christians want to sound like complete and total, well you know? Try to help me understand!

Christians, please do not threaten me with eternal h**l, I believe in God and know an eternal h**l does not exists.....ok?




  1. I'm a Deist and I believe the consciousness if the entire universe is God. How can an all powerful God allow the concept like h**l and the Devil exist? that would be beyond an all powerful God.

  2. Mhm.. See your point. Quite a double-sided paradox, huh..? XD

    Also, I don't think they understand just how absurd such a threat is to an atheist.. It has no effect on me whatsoever! Most of the time I hear it, I have to concentrate really hard to keep myself from laughing. Unless I just say "s***w that", and do it anyway. I usually insult them whenever that happens, though.. ;)

  3. If they say that, that's pretty rude and I don't think God would like that.

    Look, those "Christians" are not really Christians.

    If they really were, they'd approach the atheists in a more proper manner and try to convert (Preach the Good News) to them in a mature fashion, or in a way that will draw the atheist's eye.

    But seriously:

    h**l is damnation, forever. Why they say eternity is you'll be in.. torture for ever.

    Eternal life = salvation, life as in no pain, no suffering, a perfect world as an Angel of God.

  4. I threaten you with having to watch the View for eternity.

  5. We should be thankful for that God given gift - the ability to laugh at the misfortunes of others.

  6. As Christians, it is our jobs to love, not to judge. When it comes to trying to lure someone over to the Christian side of things, judgmental BS, rudeness, threatening people with h**l are some things to avoid. That pushes atheists further from God, not closer. My new favorite saying is "You catch more flies with honey than you will beating them over the head with your bible."

    I hope this helps.

  7. Who's threatening? Just because someone asks repeatedly what will happen to them after they die if they reject Christ now and then are given the answer, that hardly constitutes a "threat".

  8. I don't mind. h**l sounds like a better place than Heaven.  

  9. Reality says 3d earth is h**l. I don't think there is any worse torture than life here.

  10. I'm sorry... you can't believe in h**l and believe in God at the same time. You can't have one without the other. Why do you think Jesus died for us? He gave us a chance to repent and be saved so that we wouldn't have to go to h**l.

    For God sending the lost to h**l is a painful act, but it's something His justice demands. God is pure and good. You and I are not. We deserve to die for what we have done. But thankfully we have been given a wonderful opportunity to be saved.

    Jesus is the only Way (John 14:6). If you don't chose that way, a second after you die it will be too late.

    If you don't want to believe in h**l, that's your choice. But that doesn't make it truth.

    EDIT: I am sorry that you feel sorry for me. I'm not sorry for me, I have eternal life thanks to Jesus. I feel sorry for you, because you know that there is a Way to avoid h**l, yet you do nothing about it.

  11. I'm waiting for Just one to die, return from the dead and say it doesn't...I thought for sure you wouldn't want a Christian to tell you "God Bless you."  Have a nice day!

  12. Yeah!  They should just stop believing in God because people will automatically think they are stupid, deficient beings!  Everyone knows that!  So quit threatening us, believers!

    I'm Atheist!

  13. i agree with Mr. Anderson.  Well put Mr. Anderson.

  14. How about "My G-d is better than yours!"

    That would be a pretty bad thing to say, too.


  15. It's the fundamentalists that engage in this. You're trying to point out to them something illogical? Please, if they were constructing a submarine, they'd put a screen door on it.

  16. Then tell some of your atheist buddies to stop calling Christians uneducated and brainwashed.

    How stupid is it to assume that just because you dont believe in God you are smarter or more knowledgeable than a believer?

    Both sides have their extremists.  If you dont stand up against the extremists on your own side then I dont see why you should expect those on the other side to stand against their extremists.

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