
One thing you wish you would have known about having kids?

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What is one thing that you learned or experienced in having babies, either in pregnancy or after you had the baby that you wish you would have known? Pretty much, Im looking for free advice and things to watch out for! Thanks!




  1. u should....

    eat well

    take vitamins

    & get proper rest

  2. You know how you have adult problems, that worry you and get you to the point where you just want to be alone? Well, the kids dont give a flyin rabbit about that. They continue to cry, and talk and demand your full attention.

  3. I wish I would have know how unselfish I would need to be.  I know that may sound crazy, but once you are a parent... you are a parent 24/7.  On call all the time.  It doesn't matter if you've gotten 3 hours of sleep in the last two days, or how sick you might be, or what you want to do... those babies have a schedule of their own and they come first.  It's hard with little sleep, but you'll make it through.

    Oh, and I'm sure you've heard about the terrible twos? Well, no one told me that the three's are worse. :)

    Just take one day at a time... sometimes when they are older and you want to loose your cool, you'll need to take one minute at  a time.

    Parenting is the hardest job you'll ever love.  Good luck and enjoy your children!

  4. Kids are two kids mean everything to me...however, once they start talking and walking...they never stop or slow down!  Beware of them talking back to an early age...I learned that with mine and I was shocked when they were talking back to me at 5 years old...but we put a stop to that real quick...also, once they start walking they keep going and don't slow down!  My 2 can basically get away from me quick when they want too!

    Also when they were babies...the doctors had alot of things to say...however, I did not listen to them...if your baby is hungry feed him, don't wait...I was giving my babies cereal at 5 weeks, because the milk was not satisfying 2 kids were perfectly healthy babies and they are now perfectly healthy gradeschool kids.

  5. I had no idea how expensive having kids was! It's crazy how your money just disappears when you have kids. So make sure you have a good job and are stable before you have kids.

  6. I learned that having kids was expensive. They are pretty much like pets. You clean up after them, feed them, take them to the doctor, run them places, cuddle them, love them, I love my kids!!

  7. All the worrying!

  8. That they make you so crazy you cant think sometimes.

  9. Money will seem to disapper much faster that it has before.  Make sure to budget properly.

  10. That blood is thicker then water a large family is wonderful !!!

  11. I wish i had learned more about morning sickness and tablets for it.

  12. 1) When people told me that once we have kids we won't get much sleep, I didn't realize that sometimes, they really meant NO sleep!

    2) How important being a good role model is, children repeat and imitate everything - right down to the tone of voice!!  

    The most important thing i wish I had realized more is to ignore everyone's advice and go with your own instincts.  Do what works for you and develop and practice your own parenting philosophies, regardless of what anyone else says.  My baby slept with us for the first few months and you would not believe the people who like to put in their two cents on THAT.  I stressed about  and worried that we would have  a hard time getting her out of out bed.  Well, she is now 16 months and has been sleeping in her own crib for at least 11 months.  I wish I had not listened to others and went on my own instinct.  Next time i will!

    Oh yeah, and SLEEP WHEN BABY SLEEPS!!!!

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