
One thinks dear Harry would be better off playing Charles and William at "Risk" the world domination game

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His personal security team would be a lot happier!

Edit: And Granny would:-)(one believes that's a "Smilie")




  1. I would imagine that his security team poo their pants when they had to cover him out there apparently one should know that his security is an SAS officer.

    He is a soldier and he wanted to go fair play to him his nana gave her permision but alas we will have to watch his back more now he is home.

  2. The Queen (ERII) had no problem with Harry serving in Afghanistan, and it was she who told him he would serve.

  3. Indeed - he may be a sandwich short of a picnic if he were called upon to play "Diplomacy" (but then, he couldn't do any worse than his uncle).

  4. ah  diddums .. why the green eyes over harry ....????

  5. well said   blue

  6. I think all those soldiers would be better off at home playing "Risk".  Your point?

  7. He was there for weeks without the media knowing, now he has to come home because all the world know about his whereabouts, he was doing what he was paid for, not as royalty but as a soldier,

  8. Do you want to know why he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.  

    Ans. people like you

  9. One could be right. One wouldn't  like for him to hurt a strand of his hair.

  10. one tends to agree   with one    !!!

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