
One time i was sleeping at my friends house and i woke up at the middle of the night and saw him with his hand

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down his pants? is this normal for 13 year old boys to do. i didn't tell him about it the next day though. was he playing with himself? (teenager answers only please)




  1. lol my dad and my 11-year old brother both do that. i hate to say it, but my mom says that sometimes i do it, too. i guess its just more comfortable for them.

  2. I am 13 and a girl and my brother who is twelve sticks his hand down his pants all the time. Boys just dont care what the are doing and who sees it. It is perfectly normal.

  3. they all do.

  4. Yes--all guys do this (and so do girls)

  5. It's normal, though gross in some situations.

  6. Completely normal, its a thing called 'masturbation'

  7. It's called masturbating. Boys and GIRLS do this sometimes.

  8. it completely normal my friends all do that most the time they are just trying to make you look there

  9. Hehe don't worry, im 13 and the guys in my classes do that at school. They think it makes them "cool" :L

  10. i sellp like that it is just more comfortable and i am 13 as well

  11. It's normal for boys and men (and girls and women) to m********e, although there's no way of knowing for sure if that's what he was doing.

    Why "teenager answers only"?  You don't think adults were ever teenagers?

  12. my husband is 22 and he sleeps like that for whatever reason i think its a normal guy thing maybe its just more comfortable

  13. Yes, its very normal its called hormones.

  14. All boys and men do this...teehee.

  15. this is normall guys have a tendanc to have their hand down there even if they anit playing with themselfs xxxx

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