
One time sight of UFO?

by  |  earlier

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You know how some poeple say they have sighting of UFO's?

Well one time when I was going back from from my grand parents house, and as we normally do we go back a ceramic factory. I always thought that the place didnt smell very good.

But anyways, I saw a silver disk with a red sripe on one side.

I didnt see the inhabitants, so that made me think it wasnt a UFO.They never did come again,they must of had the same opinion I did, that it smelled like rotten dogfood.

This was when I was 7,I'm not 18.Whenever i tell my mom about it,she thinks I'm crazy.




  1. it was hillary clinton!

  2. Your mother knows best.

  3. When I was 8 I convinced myself i could fly because i had a reoccuring dream that I was flying on the playgroud at school.

  4. Just because your mother doesn't believe you...doesn't mean it's not true. I used to live down the street from a slaughter house..It was awful..the smell etc.

    Did this UFO have windows? I wouldn't think it would unless they had a lot of an airplane.

      Maybe you'll see another one and have witnesses with you.

  5. I have never seen a UFO' but that doesn't mean that they don't exist.I have seen things in the night sky that must have been a satellite, but i still hope that one night i will see a real UFO.

    So if you think you saw a silver disc with a red stripe' i would say that you did see a UFO,and you should look at yourself as one of the lucky ones.

    Just remember that we are not alone in the universe' and there are billions of planets out there that have been around for thousands of years longer than the earth' and most of them should have technology much more advanced than ours.  

    I hope this helped you.
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