
One tree hill fans???

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Who do u want lucas to pick?

Personally i hope its brooke because I love brooke. and I love brucas




  1. I would love for it to be Brooke but I think it is Peyton.  The creator has stated that Lucas and Peyton are meant to be together.

  2. for me it's between brooke and peyton

    but probably brooke

  3. i looked for a long time and i learned that lucas in the first episode has a dream about lindsay peyton and brooke. He dreams about proposing to each of them and he calls peyton. and i also have more spoilers on oth. SOmeone dies and i know who some gets beat up bad and .... NANNY carries backk and she holds someone captivee if u guys want some spoilers email me at

  4. I want it to be Peyton.

    My opinion is Brooke and Lucas are better off friends.

    And the director said Peyton and Lucas belong together so im hoping...

    Sorry but thats my opinion....
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