
One +ve and one -ve pregnancy test?

by  |  earlier

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I had +ve preg. test on monday and the line was very faint ans also the line was not full it was 75% and it was not fully completed. I still have not got my periods. I have discharge all the time and back pain for past 3 days. Is the discharge normal? Is there a chance of being pregnant?




  1. If you had a + result, you're pregnant. Tests can normally only detect hormone levels above 25mIU, and the 'non-pregnant' level is 5 and under. So if you had hCG levels 5 TIMES higher than a non-pregnant person .... you're pregnant. 'False negatives' are common, but false positive are VERY rare.

    Your next step would be to tell your doctor that you would like a blood test to confirm this. Tell them you already had a + urine test result.

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