
One vegetarian to another do you have these same problems ??

by Guest57874  |  earlier

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I've been a veg. for 3 years now and i have noticed a huge difference in my nails , hair , and wieght I know your not suposed to eat lost of carbs and cheese but my parents are not welling to spend much money on my dinners becouse it was my choice not theres but i used to have beautifull nails and was really skin I have gained around 25 through 30 pounds sence I became a vegetarian is there cheap way to get differnt good food this just salads and grilled cheese becouse it tooken its affect and need variety plus has any1 else had wieght gain with being a vegetarian because i know its not lack of not exerciseing or binging on chips and is there anything to help thats affordable that maybe my parents would be okay with getting please help!!! **I'll never give up being veg but I would love a way to do it with out breaking nails & hair plus rapid wieght gain..




  1. Well, you say that being a vegetarian does not cause you to "bring on the chips", but I've found that's a big problem with me, because since there is rarely anything I can eat out at restaurants, I have to get fries or just go to the gas station and get snack food when I'm with friends.  The biggest problem with your weight gain is probably that you have to resort to more carbs since you can't eat the meat.

    You can always carry fresh fruit and carrots with you if you know you are going to be in a place where it will be hard to find something to eat.  Also, learn which restaurants have more options for you.  Red Robin makes excellent burgers, any burger you want with a boca patty substituted.  

    You need to make sure you are getting enough protein. Don't resort to nuts, they are too fatty, only eat them sometimes. And if you do eat them, eat raw almonds, as they are the healthiest and still good.  Only eat about a handfull of them a day.  Also, Morningstar makes a lot of great vegetable foods that taste like bacon, hamburger, etc.  They are a little expensive, yes, but it's not worth risking your heath.  You are still growing and you need to get plenty of protein.  

    Since you eat dairy, I would suggest eating a cup of yogurt every day for lunch.  It has a bunch of protein AND calcium.  After I started doing that, I noticed a big improvement in my nail strength.  I buy Blue Bunny probiotic yogurt... it's very good for you.

  2. couldn't have said it better myself "Krister"!  and i would add that SEA Veggies are a real plus for hair and nails - yes!  i said seaweed!  there are many kinds.

    been a veggie for more than 25 yrs. raised a whole family of veggies & they are grown & raising veggie grand kids.  Krister said it very well - your choice - a good one - your responsibility to EDUCATE yourself.  you are smart enough to use computer search on line.  once many yrs ago b4 i had kids - i had a huge weight gain being a veg..........i was picking Avos for a summer job & ate one too many-hahahaha - porker i was!  hahaha - did not last long - once job was over and did not eat SO much fatty food-the weight dropped.  good luck :)

  3. My longest time as a vegetarian was six months ("my girlfriend's a vegetarian, which pretty much makes me a vegetarian too" - Pulp Fiction), and I never really suffered any negative consequences. I would guess you aren't getting enough protein...beans and legumes are cheap.

  4. You need to take control over your diet. You can't just eat around the foods that your parents make for you as eating the sides of a meat-eaters diet will definitely not lead to a balanced diet.

    I don't know why you'd mention money when being a vegetarian should be cheaper than anything else. There is absolutely no need for specialty vegetarian foods.

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables are all that you need.

    Boca is not a vegetarian food group.

    If you choose to be veg, it is your responsibility to go shopping with your parents and cook your own meals if they won't do it for you. It is also your responsibility to know how to meet all of your needs

  5. You must be eating poorly.  I have stronger nails and nicer hair and haven't gained weight.

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