
One way friendship...and it hurts...?

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i know it prolly is...but is this a one way friendship?

With a guy friend, I'm always the one initiating face-to-face conversations, AIM convos, texts. making the plans to hangout. In fact, whenever he does initiate something, it feels like he only does it out of boredom or out of 'cuz he has to'.ANd also, when we DO talk on AIM, i always have to keep the convo going and I'm the one that has to ask about HIS life(rather than him wanting to share it with me). It hurts my feelings, and i just want to be best friends with him. WHAT can i do about it?

Btw we have different groups of friends(in case THAT may mean something).




  1. Honey you just need to walk away.

    You sounds like a nice person, and his taking you for a ride. I also understand how c**p it must make you feel. I in the past got involved with someone who was just too wrapped up in themselves. I was always trying to get to know them, meet up and do stuff, and he never really showed much interest in me.

    It didn't take long for me to stop and think i need to be strong, and if he is going to make it a one way relationship, i'm walking well out of it!

    He still texts me now and then out of boredom, but i can't even be interested to reply to him. I've found much better friendships, where it works both ways. And it feels great!

    You deserve better, so go and get better :)

  2. maybe his trying to tell you something

    like leave me alone

  3. Firstly, it is clear that he is least interested in you and doesnt want to hang around with u. So, u are just hurting yourself like this, as the more u get involved, the more difficult it will be to pull out of this relation. second, if he doesnt like u, there's nothing u can do to make him your best friend. u can try as hard as u want, but he will just enjoy the attention, it wont pay off. U cant force him, u just have to accept this.

    I faced this situation, and I cut off ALL ties with this friend, and I was REALLY hurt initially, but now I'm 100% better. And I suggest the same for u.  

  4. Sounds to me like he's not interested in being your friend. He's making it pretty obvious. I wouldn't bother him anymore. You're only hurting yourself.

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