
One week in Spain!?

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Hey guys! We have about one week to spend in Spain.... not enough time I know! Flying into Barcelona beginning of December, then have to fly out of Madrid. Any suggestions for a 7 day itinerary that wont cost too too much?




  1. I know EFCollegeBreak offers some New Year's tours, I think that they include Spain.. Maybe you should look into that..

  2. Flying into Barcelona...get to your hotel, check in and get comfy, then head for the Ramblas.  Walk as much as you want, check out the performance artists, the markets in the middle island, and the Boquería.  You can either just wander through this huge market and marvel at how different it is from how we shop in other places, or you can stop and have a snack, a meal, buy something to munch as you walk, or some staples to take back to your room.  Any way you slice it it's worth going to.  It's one of the biggest markets of its type in the world.  

    From there, go to the Barrí Gotic.  Before you go, search on the web, and find a walking tour of the Barrí.  That way, you'll know what you are looking at.  It should start at the Cathedral, which you should definitely tour.  Hopefully, by next Fall, they will have all the scaffolding down, and you'll be able to see the newly cleaned façade.  I don´t know what the schedule is on that.

    That should take you through a full day.  Day 2, go to the top of the Ramblas, and find the tour busses for Eixample.  Take the tour.  It´s worth it even if you are not the type of person who like touristy stuff, because there is a lot of the neighborhood to see, and it´s really spread out...all these wonderful buildings from the Modernista period, by all the famous architects.  Get out and tour one of the two Gaudí houses on the tour (Casa Battló and La Pedrera, also known as Casa Milá).  Hop back on the bus and go to the Templo de la Sagrada Familia, Gaudí's as yet unfinished masterpiece church. It is HUUUUUUGE!  Then get back on and go to Parc Güell, also designed by Gaudí...these are the marvels that must be seen of his work.  

    Day 3, if you´re still into Barcelona, go up to MontJuic.  There´s a castle there, and the Olympic Parc, a bunch of museums, and Poble Espanyol.  That should take another day.  If you´re not into more Barcelona, head to Madrid.

    In Madrid, you have to see the Prado, The Palacio Real and Plaza Mayor.  A stroll through Parque del Retiro is a lovely thing to do, tons of little corners in this former garden of the Royal Palaces.  Tons of other little things that might be of interest.  too many to mention....if you let me know your interests, I could narrow things down for you, or pick up the DK book for some suggestions.  

    If you want to make a couple of side trips from Madrid, the best two are Segovia, for the Royal Palace that Ísabel la Católica grew up in and the first century Roman aqueduct, both HUGE draws, and tons of little churches that have special significance.  And Toledo, home to El Greco, and you just can´t go through the city without being reminded of him...highlights are the medieval walls, Cathedral, Greco house, Church of Santo Tomé (with famous paintings by Greco).  

    Also, if you´re interested in wine - Rioja region could be toured from Madrid as a start point.  Don Quixote country.  Avila (home of Santa Teresa of Avila  and one of the most complete Medieval City Walls in Europe).  All three cities are Unesco preserved Historical sites.  

    Got enough Ideas?

    Oh, yeah, and you can´t see the running of the bulls.  First, it´s pretty much out of the way, and second, it´s only for a week in JULY.  Not going to work if you´re going in December.  

    Oh, and bring WARM´ll probably be cold all over then.  and have fun!

  3. See the running of the bulls whenever that is and I think there is also a national tomato fight day over there. See if those fall in your week.
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