
One word to describe Germany?

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One word to describe Germany?




  1. Boring!

  2. AMAZING!!!

  3. high quality!

  4. Hello Evan,

    sorry there is no one word to describe Germany, for Germany consist of a lot of tribes and behind each mountain and each river lives another tribe, with their own traditions and their own culture. Take a bike and go from Flensburg to Nibüll to Schleswig, Plön, Friedrichstadt, Husum, Brunsbüttel and Lübeck.

    Then you know what I mean. But then you have learned a lot of only one German State (Schlewig-Holstein). We have 16 States and in all states the situation is the same. Actually it is so, since the introduction of television we have a language every German (not only the educated) does understand.

    Germany -- one word --- CONFUSING.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany



    obedient --- to be not obedient yo must have a fair chance to survive. In German history then normal people had no chance to win a struggle against the will of the aristrocrazy for there was no ecconomic revolutionary situation all over Germany at once and if there was in one part aristocrazy of the other part helped an if there was all over Germany the aristrocrazy of the  other european states helped. There are exceptions 1. Hamburg 2. Dithmarschen 3. Bremen and 4. Lübeck.

    Hamburg is one of the richest cities in Europe

    Bremen is bankrott

    Dithmarschen struggles in the moment with the government of Schelsig-Holstein to be a county

    Lübeck lost it's souvereignity in Germany by A. Hitlers "Great Hamburg law"

    I don't know who said it: "Who rules Germany --- rules Europe" and so they all try to play a role in Germany and in this game the people of Germany don't play any role. Germany is the strongest state in Europe but two lost world wars show to rule all the others we are too weak.

    @Lacieles yea I agree with you. When I was on my last trip from Bogota to Baranqillia I read the top story of AVIANCA magazine "Hamburgo la ciudad mas cosmopolitan de Europa" --- Hamburg is a unique in Europa. ( Sorry I am not fair -- I have been born in Hamburg, I have been educated in Hamburg and I live 500 yards beyond the Hamburgian boarder).

    @fliege52 If you not say G R E AT  --- but --- great --- that's ok.

    @manuela --- home -- that is just another song that reminds me on Tom Jones "green green grass of home".

  5. Frustrating.

  6. Mein Zuhause(my home).

  7. Americanized !!!!!

  8. Wunderbar!!!!!

  9. Historical

  10. Beautiful

  11. Autobahn!

  12. Hamburg!

  13. obediant

  14. strong

  15. Orderly

  16. Fast!

  17. Home !!

  18. deutzland

  19. I need more words describe Germany, but here is one.

    G R E A T !!!

  20. COLD - both the weather & the population

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