
One world government is a conspiracy or real?

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An evil group of men has always wanted to rule the entire world. In the past conquest has failed to achieve this, due to the resulting outrage and awareness of the enemy. In our present time an evil group are trying a subtle but effective way to rule. This is to gradually infiltrate and delude the masses into accepting their ideas. Such subtle gradualism, along with distraction (such as unnecessary work, study, entertainment and sport) is being used effectively. Few people will therefore be aware of what is going on.




  1. There may be those that would like it to happen but there is one thing preventing that from becoming reality....humans. We just don't get along well enough to have one world.

  2. I believe we will have one world government, but not any time soon. I just have a feeling that something really bad, like world war ( III ) going to happen, before we can have peace in this world.

  3. Conspiracy.  You'd have to have the majority of the world to come together to make such a government and just how many radical Muslims do you think would allow it to go?

  4. I wouldn't mind it.

  5. Oh, it is real all right!  Don't "believe" the propagandized and brain-washed "soma-morons" of our society who criticize the truth by claiming what The Establishment wants us to believe, that we are "free" and swimming in Democracy and that these are mere "conspiracy theories", no, they are conspiracy facts and realities!

    It has ALWAYS been that people of wealth and power have striven to control the masses.  This goes back tens of thousands of years!  Particularly, they have ALWAYS used the concept of people believing in god to control people, because if people will believe their theism then they will literally believe anything.  The n***s of the 1930s, for instance, had "God is on our side!" enscribed inside the back of every soldier's belt buckles!  Then they machine-gunned down naked Jewish villagers in the garbage dumps of Europe!

    The British monarchy in the 1400s created the "corporation" as a means of controlling business people and investors, who became so wealthy and owned so many assets in world trade that they came into direct competition with the crown.  The corporation was created in the image of the monarchy, so to this day, corporations are totally anti-Democracy.  But the king of England made a huge mistake!  He had required that all of the business managers be put together into a single entity called the "board of directors", which for the first time required all of the smartest people to be at one place in a business!  They then conspired to evade the power and taxation system of the crown, and they grew much more powerful and wealthy as a result.

    The corporations then REPLACED the monarchies of Europe during the Industrial Revolution (it actually began with the expansion of trade in the 1500s, due to the invention of the compass, sextant, and improved maps (charts)).  The smart monarchies saw their demise coming and heavily invested their stolen tax revenues into those corporations' stock, and became rich along with the business people.  The not-smart monarchies simply withered on the vine and went defunct as capitalism took control.  That is why there are no monarchies in Europe, and only a dozen or so around the world -- Saudi Arabia is one of the few true monarchies!

    The corporations today have become so big (Ford and General Motors are owned by the same investors who love it when someone says "I wouldn't own a Ford, I only own a Chevy" and another says "I wouldn't own a Chevy, I only own a Ford" because the same investors own both corporations!) that they have NO NAMES, NO ADDRESSES, and NO TELEPHONE NUMBERS... they are THAT BIG!!!!  You would never know an international investment corporation if you saw one, they do not advertise, and they own tiny businesses such as General Motors and General Electric.

    The end result is that the cartel of international multi-national investment corporations has infiltrated, subverted and conquered most of the nations of the world, including our USA.  Our own Repugnant Party has said many times on national news that national sovereignty no longer exists because the Global Economy rules the markets all around the world.  That is the clue to world domination... it is more economic than it is political, as politics is merely the w***e of the economic conspiracy.

    And this is all the truth!

    Ronald Kinum  a.k.a. Libris Fidelis

  6. I do not believe it is a conspiracy...but I do believe it is happening.

  7. Do you what

    United Nations

    or World Bank

    or IMF

    or Nato


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