
One would assume that women in Afghanistan and Dubai are unhappy seeing the media and that they would liberate

by Guest57663  |  earlier

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themselfs, like their British and American sisters did. How come that is not the case ? Is the media lying about the situation of women in Afghanistan ? Do those women do not like feminism or enjoy their situation ?




  1. Actually, many women in Afghanistan and other Eastern countries have worked hard to "liberate themselfs".  It is an ongoing process.

  2. Many women are unhappy with their position in Middle Eastern countries, especially Afganistan.  I don't think they enjoy their situation as much as they are afraid to change it.  Some women speak out against the treatment of women.  And some of those are beaten, raped, disfigured or killed for doing so.  

    Dubai is actually one of the more progressive places in the Middle East.  Part of that probably stems from the fact that there are almost as many international expatriates in the city than there are nationals (if not more, as some articles suggest, but don't have a census report).  It's becoming a very westernized city.  Women are starting to push for more opportunities to get into the work force and for more equalities and getting them.

  3. But they *do* want liberation: the link below is one example, reporting Woman's Liberations Day being marked in Afghanistan, Pakistan etc... so your assumption is not founded.

  4. I think all of us would be held down if we were lead to believe we would be killed if we tried to take action...regardless of how equal we were.

    While I am sure some are very unhappy, I think these women are used to how they are living and are simply living how they know how.  I would seriously doubt many of them are even aware of how women of the free world are living.  I think if they did know, they may want to gain equal rights, but I also think their religious obligations may be a very large barrier against this.

  5. There is an ongoing women's movement in the middle east. Just because you don't read the paper, have an education, or know that Dubai is a city, not a country, doesn't mean there isn't a movement.

  6. Women in Dubai are quite liberated. In Afghanistan they recently regained the right from the Taliban to work and receive an education. Liberation is quite relative.

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