I know I've asked this before, but I'm SO tired now... my mother and sisters told me I'm raising a little brat. He's almost one and throws the most awful tantrums... mostly I try to ignore it, but HE WON'T STOP, even when I ignore him.
At nap time and bedtime, it's always a battle to get him to sleep. We have a pretty solid routine, but that doesn't work either... He's so tired, he actually has circles under his eyes. We've been to the pediatrician for advice and he said my son's intelligent and hyperactive and I need to stimulate him more. I try, but even if I spend all day with him, taking him outside, letting him play in sand, reading, swimming, the zoo, toys way above his age (which he gets, but bores him after two minutes)... oh my goodness, I've tried everything, even then he still won't sleep. I've tried CIO, it doesn't work. I've tried cuddling, rocking, lotions for bath time and even (now out of desperation) a sort of sleeping medicine the pediatrician gave me, he fights through it until it wears off, in fact the meds makes him worse, since it makes him more tired, but he simply refuses to sleep - NOTHING works.
Please, I need advice. I'm so tired I can't see straight. And then I have the family telling me I'm raising a brat, because of the tantrums. He wants to try stuff his body's not ready for, and when he can't get it right, he throws and all-mighty fit. I don't know what to do anymore... my husband is here, but he doesn't help much with the day to day 'operations' of raising our son.
He wakes up in the middle of the night, wanting to get out and play. Sometimes I try to leave him to cry, but he doesn't stop. I'm tired, he's tired and it's just out of control.
I feel like such a bad mother. It feels like I can't cope on my own anymore... and forget about the family, they'll help occassionally, but a hyper little thing like mine is no one's idea of fun.
The only thing I refuse to do is spank him (oh yeah, I've been told to beat my one year old). I was almost exactly the same as a child, and my mother beat me all the time. I will not crush my boy's spirit like that... but there must be something I can do. Does anyone have any experience with a child like mine? I've been looking for support groups, but there's none in my area. I'm pretty much on my own here.
Thanks everyone.
Just so you know, I love my son to death and won't change anything about him. He's the sunshine of my life, we're just have a cloudy day. I just need to know how I can help him. I know I've signed up for this, and I wouldn't change it for the world.