
Online Chess tutorials?

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I have always been interested in learning to play chess well. I have a first-grader's understanding of the game. I know the piece movements and general idea. But I thats about it.

So does anyone have any suggestions for learning the game? Online tutorial and lessons would be great. TIA.




  1. So all the pawns go at the front rooks at each end then knight then bishop then on the left is the queen and on the right the king. On the first turn pawns can move 2 spaces, rooks can only move north, east, south and west so they can only move straight but hae unlimited range, bishops can only move diagnally and attack diagnally,knights can move in a L shape while using 4 spaces they attack the same awell, king can move 1 space in any direction protect your king damnit!, queens can move in any direction exept a knight, hope you get what chess means ill also tell you my stratagy. start off by moving your 2 knights over your pawns then move the 2 pawns on each sides up 2 spaces then the next turn you move your rooks a couple places then by then theyll be set up so you can kill about 3 of the opponents pieces. hope its helped. ^^

  2. Well, you can always search your community's booklet or something and find a chess camp.

    If you prefer online ,I suggest you go to stores like BestBuy and buy the newest version of"Chessmaster".

    It gives you tutorials, lessons, and hints. Also, it provides lots of computer-based people to play,and you are able to choose which person you want to play. (Each has their own ranking; if you are a beginner, choose a low ranking; if you are pro, choose a higher ranking.


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