
Online Homeschooling.?

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I'm in 9th grade.

I'm doing completely horrible in school.

Failing just about all but 2 subjects.

So my father agreed to let me try online homeschooling for the reamainder of this year.

If i do well in it then I can continue to next year.

My problem was I hated going to school.

I hated leaving my house for so long.

I was afraid of teachers.

I was sexually abused less than 3 monthes ago.

So thingsgot shakey for me.

SO can you recomend some online schools that have been used and you can share experiances. I live in northern NY, if that means anything.





  1. do you kno ther is a vast amjority of students who experience such lie things...i feel sad abt it, todays' school world is a world of violent school crimes and drugs...wish you luck with your new experience...i can suggest you a website, hope itl help you

    all the best :)

  2. hi, I'm a high school senior and I do homeschooling online, I can answer any questions you may have, about finding a online school that is ACCREDITED, you can messenger me or email me, (Im home all day) :) at tiffaniwinfield

  3. I am sorry things haven't been going well.  

    Here's some information on online schooling, along with a list of popular programs:

    I hope things turn around for you!

  4. I do Keystone Highschool. It's hard as h**l to be honest, primarily because most Online Homeschooling is based around you being responsible enough to teach yourself. So if you think that you are responsible enough to teach yourself, then it'd be perfect for you.

    Schedules are laid out, like most, and you work at your own pace, again like most. Hah, right now I'm actually working on an Algebra II test. They are hard, but you can use your book without it being considered cheating. (Don't ask. It's in the tutorial that you are allowed to use your books) But even at that, you still learn a lot if your responisble and dedicated to learning.

    I had the same problem as you. I hated going to school. Maybe not for the same reasons. But I definitely hated school and going to it. (Who doesn't?) Not that I couldn't handle it; it just bored me really and people annoy me hah. But yeah, Keystone Highschool. Really great. I love it. And plan on doing it for my senior year, well for the first half, before I go to my local Jr. College

    Hopes this helps!

    P.S. Keystone Highschool is NATIONALLY ACCREDITED. Which means colleges accept their credits as if you went to the local, public highschool. Don't be fooled, some online schools aren't credited nationally and may only be at a state level. You never know. It'd really suck to get enrolled in a school where the credits only count in the state you live in.
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