
Online IQ test, is it a Hoax?

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ok so i just took this IQ test. i found it on (It was the first thing that showed up when i typed in "free IQ tests"). It sayed it was PHD Certified, so that means that its not a hoax right? (i hope so cause i liked my score for my age!) so anyway do you think its a hoax? Thanks a lot!

They also have different tests (personalitie, blah, blah, blah) so when your bored you might wanna check it out!




  1. IQ tests are very unreliable and culturally biased. They are part of the art of lying. There is an association called MENSA that recruit members who have IQ scores among the top 2%.

    The problem is that IQ tests only make sense in a large sample. What this means is that unless you test all people in a country, then compare your score across the entire population, you cannot make a valid claim about the result of a single test. That's why they claim that you compared ... against the other people who attempted the test with that website. You have no idea who they are, how many of them, their age group, ... At best they get a couple of thousand test results in their database. That's a tiny sample.

    BTW, MENSA is the club of highest IQ people and it is dubbed as the club of highly boring and less likely unsuccessful people on Earth.

    Having said that, if you go to a bookshop and get an IQ or Aptitude test book for the right age bracket, and try it, you will find that it's pretty good and full of trivia. If you like trivia, and also good at general problem solving, you will do very well in these tests.

    I have a feeling that many parents with children suffering learning disabilities are conned into using the IQ tests as the means to tell schools that their kids are gifted and should be educated in special ways. In a way this is a cheat because they want toavoid sending kids to special schools for the disabled kids. They want to turn a normal school into a facility to care for problematic and under-achieving kids. That's why schools always reject IQ tests as the basis for giftedness.

    This is why none of the wesbites offers IQ tests for young kids. They don't want to be used by parents then get sued later.

  2. Any one can say "PHD certified" so that may or mayniot be the truth.

    Also, IQ tests are usually taken in highly structured formats so ones done on the net are pretty rough.

    The results can be some indication of ability but not gospel truth.

    The important thing is that you enjojed it and got some sort of satisfactory result.

  3. if they gave you a score it may not be a hoax.. i've tried many and they make you complete the whole thing and then at the end ask to pay to see your score.. so i'd say you've done well not to get on like this.

  4. It's not official, but accurate at least.

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