
Online Police Sketch Artist ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not trying to look for a suspect in a crime or anything, IO was just wondering if there was something online for free that you could give the description of a person and they would sketch it?




  1. When a police artist does the sketch the person with the information is usually sat beside them and they work it can be suggested if the face is longer, eyes wideror deeper set etc than the artist is currently drawing.

    I'm not sure how you would do this online starting with just a written description, or at least not to come anything close to the person you are describing. It could be a fun exercise, but to draw for example a guy described in his thirties with a thin face, wide set eyes etc etc could give you a thousand different images which all look nothing like. :-)

  2. i woud do it for money and probily most others would do the same

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