
Online buisness? Ideas please?

by  |  earlier

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I’m thinking of setting up a website in order to make a bit of money but I’m not sure on what i can sell or do (?). I have a little over £1000 saved up. One idea I have is to create an eBay shop, but what can I buy and then sell in order to make a profit?


Any Suggestions would be appreciated.


Im 16 btw




  1. If you like technology, check out my site. Our youngest guy in the company right now is 18.

    Although a lot of the online jobs ARE scams, there are some that are not. Do your research. And don't base it on whether or not there is an upfront fee. I paid and upront fee for the work I do, and I tripled it in 9 days. And on top of that I still get paid off my customers. And if you have any questions, you can go to any Barnes and Noble,, or Borders and pick up INC 500 or Success from Home (July 2007) which we are featured in.



  3. Ebays a great idea. I know loads of people that do it as a full time thing.

    You just need to find what the latest fashion/trends are and provide it.

    I realise thats not much help but I'm not big on fashion or trends.

  4. me and a freind was kind of thinking the same but something like bebo, myspace, facebook and all that

  5. You might want to take a look at  http://www.internetbusinessmodelonline.c...

    It will tell you what are various ways you could earn money online in step by step.

  6. maybe be u should spend like 200 dollars on stuff people really like then sell them

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