
Online business getting big?

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If my online business was getting big (myspace big) and I didn't want to use a web host (like Y!A Small business). How would I go about making my own web host or where can I find a web host to support a big business?




  1. Here are 20 video tutorials, about 5 minutes each on how to do specific tasks like;

    Registering a domain

    Setting up an affiliate program

    Setting up an autoresponder

    Setting up a buy button for your website

    Making your website look pretty

    The important elements you need to have on your sales page

    How to track your traffic and visitors

    and so on..

    Here's the link;

    Regards, Marta

  2. If you really are becoming MySpace big, you need to start renting out some rackspace and purchasing some servers. ;)

    If you are just increasing traffic, there are plenty of hosting options that allow you to have dedicated servers. I like CrystalTech. You can get both Windows and Linux dedicated servers. Don't skimp on paying for support, either.

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