
Online gambling fraud/refund.?

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I was conned by I tried to get my money back by filing a visa debit card dispute with my bank. My bank stated that neither I nor my bank have chargeback rights when it comes to online gambling. Is this true? If not, please provide evidence or sources for you info. Thank you very much in advance!! :)




  1. Sadly it is true.

    You have absolutely no recourse when it somes to online transactions for online poker, or other online gambling.

    And Absolute is one of the worst - here is a link to their recent cheating scandal.

    You may want to report this issue to the Poker Players Alliance, they are trying to get poker legalized, so that with regulation you may be able to avoid problems like this in the future.

    Good luck at the tables!

  2. As a rule if you feel you are wronged by a poker site then the only real recourse is to appeal to them.  Most sites are pretty fair with customers, first of all since they want your continued business, and second because if you go away mad you're going to tell other people on the net and that's not anything a site wants.  Having no idea of the nature of your dispute I can't say anything although I've been dealing with this site on a business level for several years and haven't found them to be unreasonable to their players.

    Having said that though they are taking a bad rap lately and while it's probably not entirely deserved they can and know they must clean up their image but we'll have to see how that goes.

    This is one of the advantages of signing up through an affiliate where if there's trouble your sponsor will have more pull than you do and may be able to go to bat for you.  I really haven't seen a whole lot of trouble over the years that couldn't be resolved by the player but I've helped out a few who the site wouldn't help but they ended up listening to me since I send them lots of players and have more pull so to speak.

    King Cobra Poker

  3. Yeah Absolute Poker are useless. Try one of the better companies like Full Tilt or Poker Stars.

    And no bank is going to get involved in this kind of thing, and sadly the law is pretty much on their side.  Although you could try threatening to report them, because legally in America at least, they should have blocked the transaction in the first place.

  4. a thumbs up for the dover ,all answers given by dover are accurate .any site dover recommends is worth looking into.

  5. only if you did not authorize the charge. If you did and you were able to gamble you can't get it back...I use city poker  one time I was in 1st place and only 4 people left in a $1000.00 tournament and my DSL went out( talk about pissed) I lost the tournament and my $100.00 entry and there was nothing I could do, City Poker actually called me while I was tring to get back online to see what was wrong and they said if it was their server they could refund the money but it was my DSL.

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